Monday, March 10, 2008

Getting Ready for Church

Yesterday was day light savings, so of course Jacie and I were running behind. Actually, we run behind most Sundays and frequently other days of the week as well. Anyway, it is still cold here in Michigan, so I whipped out this long sleeved dress of Jacies (thanks Nana). On the front are these three little rose buds. I remembered a headband a friend of mine made for her (thanks Jaymie) and thought it would look great! Now, keep in mind Jacie is pretty much past the stage of wearing headbands. I wanted to put it on just to see how it looked. Her hair is kind of getting long, so it looked a little funny, but I thought I would leave it on and see if if would grow on me. She used to look so cute in little headbands. So I continue on my merry way dressing myself when I hear Jacie fussing in the hallway. I thought maybe she was caught on her dress; her knees have a hard time avoiding it and she can't crawl very well. I continue getting dressed, and she continues to fuss. I go out into the hall to rescue her from her dress, and find her as you see in the pictures. Wouldn't it be great if Jacie had a Mom that didn't worry about pictures so much, and just helped her out of a jam? I couldn't resist. It was so funny to see.


Skeeutopia said...

Oh my goodness! This is definitely a priceless photo. How adorable. She has such a cute little personality. It looks like she is learning to patiently wait for the photo op to pass before help comes her way. So no worries, right?

Danette said...

The pictures and the stories just keep getting better as I scroll down! This one made me giggle.