Saturday, March 1, 2008

Food on the floor-nutritious?

Can it be good for your kid to get a good chunk of their daily food intake from the floor? Well, Jacie sure loves eating off the floor. I am beginning to wonder if this is why she throws her food off her high chair tray. Does it taste better when it is eaten at a lower altitude? Its jsut funny to see her doing it. I always clean up what she throws on the floor, but sometimes I will give her a bowl or something with some little snacks in it, and she will dump them on the floor first, then eat it from there.

Ok, this is likely going to be a boring video for most of you, but I post it because its one of those learning moments for Jace. When I sat her down this morning with her box of raisins, I set about 6-7 raisins on top of the box. She, of course, knocked them off. After that, she ate some, then tried putting them back on the box. Totally funny to see her mimicking my actions.

1 comment:

Malisa said...

It must be a kid thing because both of my boys, at that age, preferred to eat off the floor than out of a bowl.