Sunday, February 24, 2008

First Walk of the Year

We finally got out for our first walk of the year. It was only 35 degrees, but the sun was out and there was no wind! Jacie loved it, despite the picture of her screaming. It was also the first time we have used the backpack thing. Ryan is really excited for all the camping and hiking we will be doing this summer. Thanks Dr and Kathy Marchetta!

This picture is a bit dark in the face, but she is smiling! She was sick up through this morning, but by this afternoon, her fever was gone (after 104 last night) and she started sleeping again--thank goodness.

And....a tooth is popping through! Its on the top, and the send one is right behind it. I think the two bottom ones are coming up, too. We are excited to see her teeth!

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