Tuesday, February 19, 2008

Copying Daddy

To begin with, Jacie has three words in her vocabulary, and only one of them does she consistently say: Daddy. The other two words we hear so rarely, that I wonder if she really knows what she is saying, being so young, but they are: uh-oh and Mama. Note the Mama word is last. Yes, much to my dismay, Mama is not her favorite word. Daddy is. She will see him, point and say Daddy. She will be crying at night and if Ryan goes in, she will say Daddy. I can say something about Daddy coming home and she will say Daddy, and look for him. The stinker. I thought she was always going to be a Mama's girl, but no. I also thought I would be Mommy, but that doesn't seem to fit. I guess it will be Mama for awhile. I'll take anything I can get! As for uh-oh, we don't hear t very often, but when she is playing with her toys, every now and then uh-oh pops out. I love this stage!! She is just awesome.

As for the video, she loves to copy anything we do. I've been watchingher take my slippers off my feet and try to put them on her own feet, or back onto my feet. She's gone to a new level. Ryan has always entertained young kids by sticking things on his head. One day last week, she started to do it, too. Ryan laughed and laughed. It was a pround moment for him. Actually, he has been the proud papa for awhile now, with her saying Daddy to him all the time. He is 100% wrapped around her little finger. Gotta love it!

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