Whoever says you can trick Jacie into thinking that LaLa tres is really LaLa dos doesn't know Jacie. In fact, I bet if LaLa numero uno showed back up (that is still a wish in my heart, no matter how unrealistic) she would know and drop the newer two. Anyway, the point of this picture is to tell the power of the love between a child and a beloved stuffed animal. Jacie is still on Eastern time, even though we are on pacific time right now. She got up at 5:30 this morning!! We needed a nap, and badly. She refused to sleep in the portable crib for her nap, so I scooped her up and layed her next to me. Instantly she was asleep, and slept for an hour when she woke up, decided she was done and crawled to the end of the bed. Lying there was LaLa dos. I layed her down with LaLa tres before. Well, she scooped her up, muttered something I couldn't understand, snuggled her in and layed back down. She slep almost another hour! She knows the difference, and don't even try to trick her!

On the Washington trip itself: We love the area! It helps that you are given the royal treatment, too. Very nice hotel suite, very nice Expedition to drive, fabulous tour around the area by someone that knows the area well, and great weather. No humidity! It was almost 90 degrees, but didn't feel like it. The only bummer moment on our trip was out first meal here. We were driving down the street from our hotel and looking for some dinner before our community tour. Not knowing the area, we didn't want to venture out too far. As we drove, there weren't many options. We saw one place called Sterling's Steak House. Steak Houe? Sounds fabulous! We went in and as soon as we got in the door, I had a little let down moment. It looked like a diner. Not what I had in mind, but I'm not opposed to diners. In fact, there is a diner in Michigan that is one of my mosts favorite places to go. great shakes. Anyway, we sit down and look at the menu. My opinion goes up a little because it actually looks like some delicious food. Allison orders Chicken Cordon Blue-sounds fabulous. Ryan orders a Ribeye steak. Jacie gets a grilled cheese with fries. I opt for the healthier option of the salad bar. There is where it all began to go down hill. For one, it was loaded with ice berg lettuce. Ugh. I hate ice berg lettuce. Next, I go to add red bell pepper. I look closer. Is that mold? Indeed it was. Mold!! Black andwhite and grey and furry mold on my salad bar. Barf. I get some soup. Clam chowder. I take a bite. Not too bad. Next bite I get a chunk of something, thinking maybe it was a clam. Nope, too mushy. I spit it out and it is the blob of something yellow, who knows what. I set that aside. I got for another soup. They have this Cheesy Veggie soup. Oh my gosh, can y ou say throw up? I try the Navy bean soup next. I'm still pretty hungry at this point. i asked Ryan if the little white things were maggots or mill worms. Seriously, they look just like maggots, or maybe weavils. Set that aside. I decide to try Alli's Cordon Bleu. Burned! I try her mashed potatoes and gravy-even worse that the Cheesy veggie soup. Next, I move in for a bite of Ryan's steak--still hungry! It tasted like the backside of a cow. No really, it had no flavor whatsoever. No flavor--in a ribeye. Since I can't have bread, I skipped out on Jacie's sandwhich, but I did eat her fries. She refused all of her food. Ryan ate the grilled cheese and said it was the best thing there. Can you believe we still paid for the meal? Didn't want to cause a commotion. With dinner over, we met our tour guide at the hotel and went for quite an interesting trip around the area. Would you believe that there is a restaurant here owned by Kimo, who is a Pittburgh Steelers guy? Now, if that isn't fate...I don't know what is. For those that don't know, Ryan is the biggest Steelers fan ever known. He just about went through the roof when the tour guide told him that. We loved the tour, love the area, and feel so lucky to be here now! Dinner tonight was at the country club and it was fantastic. Good company, great food, and beautiful view. Julie is the recruiter we have been working with and she is a gem! Cute as a button, and so so nice and acommodating. Over all, it couldn't be better!

Of course Allison has been a huge help with Jacie. Today they were playing Peek a boo and Jacie would roll with laughter. Suddenly, she decided she needed to be the one to cover Allisons eyes. Speaking of funny, we were at dinner tonight and I took Jacie into the restroom with me. She was jabbering, and then did her version of barking like a dog and then started to laugh and laugh. Apparently, she was telling me a joke or something. It was really quite funny.

OK, funny airplane story. Jacie did great on the very long flight. There was a little boy that was a couple months older than her sitting right in front of us. This little boy also had a sister. She had a doll puppet that she thought Jacie would like. Jacie was playing with the boy, and while she had her head turned, the girl put the puppet up right where the boy was. When Jacie turned around, there was this doll puppet with exaggerated facial features and such right in her face. Jacie just about went into convulsions! She screamed, shook, tried to run away, close her eyes and push it away all at once. I, of course, laughed so hard that I could hardly comfort my now completely hysterical daughter. I was trying to sing her a song to comfort her but couldn't get through it because the image of her would pop back into my brain and I would start laughing again. Yes, horrible Mom I am.
You all look great and I hope the interview went well. We loved Washington while we lived there and it's close enough to family that you could make the drive in a day. So much better than the 3 LONG ones it takes now. Good luck with everything.
Just reading your description of dinner made me want to vomit. Yuck! I hope that everything else on your trip went well/goes well.
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