Thursday, July 3, 2008
Mackinaw and Heartbreak
We took Alli up north for some real Michigan camping. Since it was likely going to be our last trip, we thought we would splurge and head over the Mackinaw Island. $64 later, we got onto the fairy and headed for what has been proclaimed as one of the neatest places ever. The island boasts no motor driven vehicles. They have horse drawn carriages, walking and biking trails and all kinds of shopping (of course--as if the fare to get over there wasn't enough). However, it was a special trip, and we were trying to make it fun for Allison and ourselves. We get over there with our map (I think we even got suckered into buying one of those) and stroller and went to town.
Allison, me, and Jacie on the boat headed over. We are full of anticipation of thoughts of yummy fudge and beautiful sites.
The Leonard Clan.
The whole crew.
There are lilacs everywhere over there! Every year they have the Lilac festival. I can only imagine just how wonderful it smells and loosk when they are all in bloom. This shot is right along the lake, and is very pretty.
Somewhere along the way, our hearts broke a little. We got to a crossroads and didn't know which way to turn. We had the chance to go forward, left or right. We were consulting our purchased map (because pretty much nothing is free over there), and Jacie started to pitch a small fit. It was hot and she was hungry. We quickly said lets go this way. Apparently, none of us saw her toss Lala over the side. None of us noticed she was missing for over an hour. When we finally did notice, we retraced our steps. Nothing. We asked people on the street, in shops and drvinig the horses. We asked pooper scoopers (I believe they preferred to be called street sweepers. I prefer to call them, or at least the one that did the dirty deed, a jerk). One lady in a shop said she saw it an hour before up the street. Just as soon as she told me where, I knew what happened. We all walked up there again to look. Nothing. I don't know how many times we walked that island, but we walked it over and over and over. Hours! We walked for hours, searching weeds,asking more people. I cried, I prayed, I pleaded. I made Allison be brave and ask people she didn't know. I made Ryan walk the stupid hill at least 6 times. I wished and wished and wished that she would appear somewhere. Even if she was covered in horse poop, I would take her to a laundro-mat and wash her. Nothing. Heartbroken and defeated, we left the Island. The ferry ride back to the main land was heart wrenching for me. It felt like someone has ripped my heart out and squished it. My daughter's most precious belonging in the entire world was gone, and it was my fault. We got to the car, loaded up and drove off. Just as we pulled out of the parking lot, Jacie let out this painful, hurt cry. She knew--she KNEW that Lala was not with us and was devastated. She cried and sobbed for over 30 minutes. The whole time I wanted to cry right along with her. Heartbroken is the only way to describe it. And all of this over a stuffed animal? OK, back to the stupid Island, where none of us ever want to go again...
We packed our lunch and ate at the little grassy park there. It was nice to sit for awhile. We all relaxed a bit.
Jacie loved to chase the birds. She felt so free being out of the stroller.
Allison was so goofy. Very good sport that day.
Jacie loves cheese, especially string cheese. She looks like she found a real treasure!
This is the most famous Grand Hotel. Believe it or not, this picture is only 1/2 of the hotel. it stretches out the other direction. They charge you $15 just to walk past the front of it! Somehow we got into the garden for free (really, we don't know how, and didn't do it on purpose) and walked in front of the hotel. The gardens were really pretty, but certainly not worth $45 to see! Thank goodness we saw them for nothing.
Behind us you can see the lake. I think its Lake Michigan.
Just squattin' away in the grass...Before we all figured out that Lala was gone. Even now, my heart skips a beat at the thought that she got scooped up and thrown into a barrel full of horse dung. One of the pooper scoopers told me it was likely picked up and thrown out my a "street sweeper" aka jerk. The girl that worked at the Visitor's Bureau had the gall to tell me that Jacie would get over it. Of course she would, but did we need to hear it at that very minute? I know, just a lamb, but it was the most precious lamb ever to one little girl.
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So sad about La La!
Is that the island where "Somewhere in Time" was filmed? At least I think that is what it was called. It had Christopher Reeves and the woman from Dr. Quinn, her name escapes me now.
Hey Malisa,
Yep, that is the Island! I thought it would be so cool to see, but really, it is just a money making island. they charge and OVERCHARGE for everything. But still pretty.
I think there is more than one girl in the family who is in love with La La!
That is soooo sad. I hope Jacie is holding up, she looked cute and happy at church =)
aww. . .that is so sad! Ridiculously as it sounds, that is how I felt when I took Kaiden's pacifier away cold turkey when he was little. In fact I ended up giving it back becuase I was so sad for him!! Over a stupid pacifier!! Anyway, I totally understand! How is she doing? Where did you get LaLa?
Oh no! Poor La La! Lost in Mackinaw.
It looks like you guys are having a fun summer. Love the pics!
I'm so glad that you found the LaLa stash to help in your mourning of losing her. What a sad thing. With all the sensitivity I have, I wanted to say that I have never trusted myself with keeping contents in their proper place, so from a very early age we didn't let Lathan take Mittens outside of his room to prevent the unimaginable - abduction. We are glad to still have her today, and it's been a good lesson for Lathan on how to care for cherished items. When we travel, Mittens is not allowed to leave the sleeping area, so she does move around from time to time, and it always makes me crazy with worry because she is so special to me, too. Look at this - I'm talking about an stuffed animal as if it were a living thing! I'm at the same place you are and I totally understand the devastation.
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