These are not the greatest pictures, but it shows her most favorite toy right now. They are these little magnetic dolls that my sister got her. She has figured out that the little outfits stick to the people and loves to put them on, then take them off. She will sit and play with them for quite a long time for someone that isn't even a year and a half yet! Thanks, Aunt Tricia!!

Of course, the partner in crime is never far off, no matter what she is doing. However, on ocassion we still find her in random places, like the hall closet, Allison's room (no doubt traded for Ailli's cell phone) and today, her church bag by the back door. Don't forget the incident of the laundry shoot, and the time I found her under the bathroom sink. There has been the sanck cupboard, too. Poor Lala. Ryan said that the magnetic dolls are not her favorite toy, that Lala is. I said Lala isn't a toy. She is a comforter, a mentor, a best friend. In short, she is a besty. The besty over everything. Kinda reminds me of Calvin and Hobbes. Did I mention she feeds Lala? Oh, yes...and then there was the toilet dipping of yesterday. She thought Lala needed to swim, too. I was trying to put on some makeup in the bathroom when I heard a little series of Oooohs. I turn my head and see Lala getting a repeated bum dunk in the toilet.
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