I learned that Butterbean loves the zoo. Some of my friends were planning to make a zoo trip after Alli got into town a,dn I thought, Sure why not. I aksed Alli if she wanted to go. First response? "Not really" Spoken like a true 12 year old! I talked her into it because it was the last time that one of my friends would be there since they were moving the next week. She signed on, and we hit the zoo. First up: amphibians! Did I spell that right? Anyway, the frogs and such were so cool!

Just a smattering of the zillion kids at the zoo that day--all with our group!

Here are almost all of the kids. funny that I took this picture...my kid is strapped into her stroller and NOT in the picture!

But here we go, with Alli attempting to get some lovin' from Jacie. Just a word of caution: never try to get lovin' while she is stuck somewhere that she can't get out of. She might bite.

The Moms. Erin, in the middle moved lat week to Idaho. We'll miss ya, girl!

Jacie's favorite part was the penguin exihbit. It was awesome. Their jumping and swimming and diving kept her laughing. Totally fun.

Isn't this such a cute picture??

I can't remember what is behind us, but Jacie preferred to be on my shoulders for a big chunk of the day. She really liked the view from up there.
Whoa! You totally cut your hair! It looks nice. I really like it. It must be a lot easier to do in the mornings.
I can't believe I missed seeing Erin! So sad! Well, she'll be loving life now, right? It looks like so much fun at the zoo, too. You've got to call me the next time you go because we have a pass there and haven't used it yet - yikes! Maybe that's how we can get together (though I'd feel bad for Alli having to go AGAIN and all).
Oh ya - and I LOVE your hair, too! So cute. You look so great all over - not just the hair!
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