Thursday, June 12, 2008


Jacie is an amazingly busy kid in the crib. She flips herself all around and manages to get her legs and arms stuck in the rails. As a general routine, I go and check on her each night to re-adjust her into a better sleeping postion. This is what I found. She is actually laying on LaLa's behind. Any good mother would have risked waking the sleeping baby for a shot of that, right?


Malisa said...

I am always amazed that the flash doesn't wake them up. But then again my kids have slept through some horrendous thunderstorms and then wake right up if the stairs creek on our way up to bed, who can explain it?

Janetlee said...

Judy, I can't believe you haven't posted in 10 days. Wow. It is fun to see what you have though.