We took the chance to hit the Idaho Falls zoo-twice! The first time we went, it was Jacie and I with my sister and her daughter Faith. It must have been 50 degrees. My running shoes were in the trunk, so I had to wear my flip flops. Freezing!! Jacie loved it though. She musta said "whoah" or "wow" a hundred times. She loved all of it, but I think her favorite part was the Goldfish snack at the end of the trip. Above picture is Uncle Craig (Ryan's brother). He was a good sport and hung out with us the entire time we were in Idaho, and even suffered through the zoo, which seemed to bore him quite a lot. We love ya, Craiger!

Tunnel vision...Jacie loves the slide. She seems to be the kind of kid that likes fast and high moving rides. Thats good, because I love roller coasters. This shot is really a deja vu moment for me. I have a picture of the one of the kids I nannied in the same way--they are at the top of a tube slide. I called the shot tunnel vision.

She is trying to figure out how she can get up that giant step.

This goat (it is a goat, right?) was pretty patient, but a couple of times he was getting a little irritated. In the video he looks like he is getting ready to charge. Jacie loved it, though.

Family Picture. Jacie could care less.

As we were leaving the park, I spotted these little babies! I love baby animals, and there were so many baby ducks with this Mama. Not the best picture, but cute ducks none the less.

This double jogging stroller was at Nana's house and came in quite handy when we went to the zoo. Jacie and Kyler are not too far apart in age. Kyler was just a newborn when I broke the news that I was almost three months pregnant. It was pretty fun. I held him the entire weekend that Ryan's sister Lori and her boys were out to visit us with Nana. I didn't go on any rides, or do anything at all except hold Kyler--he was so tiny!! Good excuse to not have to do anything that might make me throw up. They couldn't figure out why I was such a fuddy-duddy that weekend. We finally broke the news the day they were leaving. Fun times!

Nana, Kristie, Craig, Kyler and Jacie. Looking at the monkeys. Sadly, one of the new baby monkeys fell and broke his leg the day before and died. Very sad.

Jacie loved the Flamingoes! In fact, the adorable little capris she is wearing at the zoo have flamingoes stitched into them. Way cute.

Have you ever seen a black swan? I haven't and thought this was was beautiful! The phrase "stop looking at me, swan" comes to mind.

We got there in time for the penguin feeding. We thought it would be so neat, but it wasn't really. The zoo keepers just give a fish to each penguin. Jacie seemed to not care so much

Finally, we are home and out of the car. The unpacking began. Three weeks of stuff to unlaod! Jacie decided she just HAD to help out. Such a helper, she was.
To everyone I missed getting pictures of, I'm so sorry! the camara was forgotten a lot of the time, especially the first week when we were sick. Better luck next time!
Last disclaimer: to anyone we did not get to see while in Idaho...so sorry! We did our best to get in as much as possible, but there is never enough time and someone (usually lots of someones) get missed. We love ya anyway!
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