Finally, graduation arrived! I don’t know how I pulled it off, but I somehow managed. One of my sisters, my brother, and my Mom made the trip out for the big day. We did a lot of shopping, eating and playing. It was such a freeing feeling to be done, but the weekend was so busy that I hardly felt relaxed. This being said, my family was really great all weekend, and helped out a LOT with stuff. We had a few friends over after graduation for a BBQ (no pictures for some reason), and Jacie managed to sneak past every single adult in the house and fall down the stairs. How in the world did that happen? When I got down the stairs to her, one of the boys was holding her down and looked up at me with the Deer-in-the-headlight-look and said “She just fell down here, I didn’t do anything. She just landed right here!” It was so funny, I almost laughed. Jacie was hysterical for quite some time, but she was mostly unharmed. I think that she must of started down the stairs the right way, but turned around to see the kids and toppled. She sure was freaked out and it took a good long time for her to go near the stairs again. The day after graduation, I drove with my brother (thanks, bro!!) to Idaho for three weeks of relaxation. So, still busy! However, it was really nice to pack a few books to read that I wanted to read, instead of had to read. We drove straight through—27 hours!! Jacie did really well. She only had three melt downs. All three were in the last leg of the trip and were related to her soggy and poopy pants. What a trip! Once we got to Idaho, Jacie and I came down with fever s that lasted for four days, and ended with serious congestion. What a way to begin a trip! We stayed with my brother for the first few days, them my sister in Burley, moved on to Boise for a week where Ryan joined us, and ended the trip in Idaho Falls. Jacie and I drove almost 5,500 miles in 3 weeks! I think I can safely say that long road trips are out for awhile. Cu-razy!!

The picture is blurry, but thought I would share it anyway. Thanks for coming out, Mom!

This is post ceremony. There were two really great speakers that day. However, the passing of the diploma tube was pretty long. Thank goodness for cell phones that can send text messages. Ryan and I communicated quite a lot that day.

Who ever created the hat was a weird person. Why that shape and style?

This little picture of the kayak is Jacie and her cousin Allison. She wasn’t real excited about the kayak.

Among other things, we had a BBQ with Grandpa, or Papa as Jacie calls him, Grandma Darlene, Aunt Teresa, Uncle Skip, cousin Angela, brother Rob, and Jacie and I. It was a really fun evening. Well worth the trip, I’d say! (Pictured from left to right: Darlene (Stepmom), Judy (self), Rob (brother), Teresa (Aunt) and Ken (Dad)

Somebody (I won’t mention any names, but the letters in the name are R-Y-A-N) taught Jacie how to blow on windows. Problem is, Jacie does it all over the place. She loves to do blow kisses on mirrors, glass doors, or anything else she can come up with. These two little video clips show the fun she had with Aunt Teresa and Uncle Skip. They did a lot of laughing with her around.
Congratulations!! We tried to catch you guys on the phone in Idaho but we were just a little too late. One of these days we will be able to get our Vonage up and working:)
You looked amazing at graduation. What an awesome picture of you. Congrats, I'm so happy that some of your family could come out and celebrate your accomplishment. I'll be seeing you in two weeks!
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