Jacie is a silly girl. We still call her Boogers because she has the never ending cold going on. It leaves for a week or two, then comes back. Ryan said the other day that he vividly remembers being very frightened of the bulb syringe (booger house per my niece Faith) as a child, so I am sure Jacie will have the same fear. Anyway, she has been super independent for the most part the last several weeks. She has a corner in the living room where we stash some of her toys. I set her in the corner and she goes to town playing with stuff. She's started to figure out her Busy Ball Popper, and thinks that everything can go in it. We frequently find Hot Wheels, Stacker Cups, small frogs and other small toys in the blue track. One morning, she lost interest pretty fast, and I wandered over to see why. She had taken one of her other balls and tried to put it down the shoot that pops the balls up. Of course nothing else would pop up, so she just crawled away. She is such a nut!
My boys do that all the time. Jaiden won't stop when they don't go in easy thought. He persists until his hand can't go in any further and we have to be very creative to get things out.
I know the time is coming for me to get creative in getting things out. Its in the not too distant future, I'm sure.
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