I thought I had more pictures of her crazy sleep patterns. She is not liking the blankets these days, so she will kick them all off and lay there. Plus, she has been scooting herself all the way up to he head of the crib. We were going in to pull her back down because she would cry when her head hit the top. Then...I got smart. I decided to let her deal with her choice. She started falling asleep with her head against the top of the crib. After she got over that little experiment with how to get the Mama and Daddy back in her room and it failed, she decided she needed to start standing up and throwing her lamb out of the bed. Hmmm...that worked for a couple of times, too. The other night, I went in there to check on her and she was sleeping at the very top of the crib--sideways! I just left her there, figured she must like it. Cu-razy!

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