Tuesday, February 26, 2008
Self Feeding Peanut
Monday, February 25, 2008
Finally, a tooth!!
Sunday, February 24, 2008
Feeding the Princess
Future Food inspector, maybe. See the food hanging out of her mouth? Keep going...
She's missed a few noodles, but not bad. Keep going...
Happy Happy Happy. Keep going...
OK, I think she was done a long time ago. Keep going...I think I missed seeing the chocolate on the side, and it looks like there is a Goldfish mixed in with the noodles, but I think she missed the pie hole a few too many times. There is always tomorrow!Nice, huh? the picture does not do the floor justice. When she is done with something, she sweeps it right off the tray, onto the floor. She does that with everything!
First Walk of the Year
And....a tooth is popping through! Its on the top, and the send one is right behind it. I think the two bottom ones are coming up, too. We are excited to see her teeth!
Saturday, February 23, 2008
Sicky Poo
She loves to snuggle the daddy. I dare say she likes to snuggle the daddy more than the mommy. I think she fits better in the crook of his arm or something. Total cuteness seeing Ryan working away, and Jacie just sitting there. Normally, she would have been figuring out how to shut down the computer or lock it up completely.
Thursday, February 21, 2008
Lamaze and Mmmmm
Next....she is practicing her lamaze breathing. Why, I don't know. Maybe it is her baby doll she plays with, she feels like she needs to prepare for when the real thing happens. She will crawl around the house, or walk along the furniture doing the rapid breathing just the way they teach you in lamaze. I hate to tell her that child birth prep sutff was a waste of 6 Monday nights. NOTHING can prepare you for it, NOTHING!! I was reminded of her funny breathing by the Skeehans post about their son who is 3 weeks younger than Jacie doing a hissing sound or something. Kids are so fun.
Wednesday, February 20, 2008
First Girl Scout Cookie
Finally, her own to eat!
Wish I looked this cute when I shovel a cookie into my mouth.
She dropped the cookie onto her shoulder and screeched until I handed it back to her.
Taking the cookie away...I didn't think she noticed because she dropped it, but she picked up on it real quick.
Tuesday, February 19, 2008
Jabber Jaws
This is a rather long video, and will likely be boring to anyone that is not an aunt, cousin or grandmother, so feel free to skip it.
Jacie has mastered the step that leads into the hallway! She can turn herself around now to get down. She loves this new freedom and goes up and down all day long. In this video, I must admit, I helped her just a tad bit, but that was for videoing purposes. Right after I shut off the camera, she did it herself. She jabbers quite a lot in the minute she is filmed, but nothing understandable.
Trump Comb over--baby style
Copying Daddy
To begin with, Jacie has three words in her vocabulary, and only one of them does she consistently say: Daddy. The other two words we hear so rarely, that I wonder if she really knows what she is saying, being so young, but they are: uh-oh and Mama. Note the Mama word is last. Yes, much to my dismay, Mama is not her favorite word. Daddy is. She will see him, point and say Daddy. She will be crying at night and if Ryan goes in, she will say Daddy. I can say something about Daddy coming home and she will say Daddy, and look for him. The stinker. I thought she was always going to be a Mama's girl, but no. I also thought I would be Mommy, but that doesn't seem to fit. I guess it will be Mama for awhile. I'll take anything I can get! As for uh-oh, we don't hear t very often, but when she is playing with her toys, every now and then uh-oh pops out. I love this stage!! She is just awesome.
As for the video, she loves to copy anything we do. I've been watchingher take my slippers off my feet and try to put them on her own feet, or back onto my feet. She's gone to a new level. Ryan has always entertained young kids by sticking things on his head. One day last week, she started to do it, too. Ryan laughed and laughed. It was a pround moment for him. Actually, he has been the proud papa for awhile now, with her saying Daddy to him all the time. He is 100% wrapped around her little finger. Gotta love it!
Playful Purple Piano Girl
Jacie LOVES to play the piano. She sat still long enough today for me to actually record it without fear of her toppling off the bench. One of the people that watches her while I am at school has a piano, and her kids play. They will often hold her on their lap while they practice. It's so cute considering they are so young!
Tuesday, February 12, 2008
Learning to walk
Boogers is figuring out the walking thing! She will actually crawl over to her Walk 'N Ride and pull herself up and take off. This is the beginning stage of her actually walking behind it. If you will, notice the floor and surrounding areas and the fact that she is still in her jammies. Every night I pick up the front room and put things away. Every day she has it torn apart in a matter of minutes. All this stuff scattered around is her doing before we even got to the Walk 'N Ride. I have my hands full keeping up with her, let alone trying to pass my last semester of classes! She is also doing the transfer thing--like from the couch to the TV to the chair. She also loves to play the paino. I will try to get video of it. Its kinda funny to see her doing it.
My favorite part of this video is of her pushing it even once it is against the step and won't go anywhere. Full of spunk, that kid!
Ski Weekend
Ryan was talking to someone up there and they told him that he paid $700 for two days of skiing and lodging--just for himself! I hope I got that information right...Anyway, its a steal for the residents and guests, and a really good time. We hope to repeat it next year. We took some of Jacie's toys so she would feel comfortable being up there. Turns out the toys were fun for all the kids!
Here are the boys playing with Jacie's Sesame Street toy. They moved a couple times to get away from her so they could play with it without her, but she always found her way to them, and dug right in to the middle of them.
This is Ogden and Jacie on Saturday morning after both of them had a screaming fest the entire night before. The young naked couple didn't get any sleep. I felt bad at first, but anyone that is that rude deserves to go without sleep!
This was supposed to be a super cute shot of Jacie snuggling up her Daddy, but at the last minute she stuck her tongue out and tried to bolt.
See her little finger pointing? Kaelan is upstairs, and she wants so badly to be up there with him! With Ryan watching the whole way, she got almost to the top.
This is Griselda and Jeydan. He is 3 weeks younger than Jacie, but is so much bigger. He is such a sweet baby, so snuggly. I just have to say that Griselda is the best snowboarder I have ever had the chance to ride with. She used to be on the US team, so she really knows how to work it. I was very impressed. She was kind enough to ride along with Ryan and I, although I am a total amateur, even after all these years. There was one really embarassing moment where I fell off the lift, and was dragged a short distance before I finally let go and let the chair go over me as I laid flat. Can you believe that a bunch of people laughed at me? Griselda told me I was real smooth. Ha Ha. Smooth is right.
Climbing her way up
Seems that Jacie thinks that she is all grown up. I was at the computer working away the other day when I turned around to see what she was up to. She was on the third step up the stairs. I said, "Jacie, what are you doing?" in the tone of voice I use when she is not supposed to be doing something. She started to climb faster, didn't even turn around to look! I decided to get the camera out. She didn't perform nearly as well for the camera, but you get the general idea. She hasn't figured out how to go down without falling, so we work on it every day. We don't want a broken baby!