Thursday, June 12, 2008
Food Stories
Funny story. Jacie is not eating very well these days. It’s frustrating, but kids go through those phases, I supposed. In an effort to get her to eat something, he bought her a hot dog at Sam’s Club. She loves hot dogs, so we thought this would be a sure bet. Wrong! She took about 5 little pieces of it before she refused anymore. However, she would eat the bun. So, Ryan being the guy that will do whatever it takes to get you to do something you don’t want to do, hid pieces of the hot dog insie the bun before he gave it to her. It worked for a few bites. Then she spit it out, took apart the bun, got the hotdog out and ate the bun. After that, she had to hold every piece of the bun she as being fed to make sure it didn’t contain a smidgen of meat. Weird? Yes. This kid is determined! She is becoming very independent with her eating. I know, probably seems really late to some of you, but up until recently, she has let me feed her things like yogurt or applesauce. Not anymore. She has to work the spoon herself. A huge amount of it goes down the front of her, but she gets a surprising amount into her mouth. It keeps her occupied for quite some time, too. At least she is getting that. Oh…and she used to gobble up the string cheese like there was not tomorrow. Now, she systematically shreds it, but doesn’t’ eat it. This kid just kills me.
I guess we drink a bit too much soda around here. Funny, because I don't think I drink very much, and I never drink it straight from the can. Its always from a glass and straw. However, you see her mimicking someone here.
We had our good friends Dawn and Paul over for dinner a couple weeks ago. Jacie flat out refused to eat her own dinner, which was the same food the rest of us were eating by the way. I let her down, and she walked right over to Paul and crawled up on his lap and ate HIS dinner.
She loves to feed LaLa whatever she is eating. She has started to feed the t.v., too. The other day she was eating some goldfish, and I walked into the living room to see her trying to feed Telly (from Seseme Street) a fish.
She refuses to be fed, which is great for her developmentally, but crazy messy for me. I have to clean the floor three times a day!

So...this is what happens when you feed her and she is tired. Yogurt gets into the hair, down the shirt, up the nose, all over the table and on the floor!
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As long as she actually eats, it's all good. I know how frustrating it can be. Amelia is the queen of picky. The other day, she was eating a french fry that had a smidgen of guacamole on the side of it. She was merrily munching along when the guacamole hit her lip, then she acted like she had been bitten. That kid.
Camren refuses to be fed too unless of course I am feeding Jaiden too and then he is okay with it as long as Jaiden takes a bite from me before I give one to Camren. These kids are too funny. Love the pictures. I was laughing so hard especially at the last one. Oh and the hot dog story had me laughing pretty hard too.
You would think that I could remember to check which one of us is signed into gmail, but no :P
I agree, I love that last picture. It's a good one.
CUTE! I can't believe how big she is getting! I'm going to start checking in more often ok?
I love the messy face! She is darling. You are awesome with her. You seem to be doing a fabulous job, too! What a cutie. Can you believe we've only got one year left? HUGE!!! Anyway, I'll get to seeing you sooner than later, I'm sure, but we sure do miss you!
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