Not the best picture, but the only one we have of the event. Last Wednesday, I was inducted into the Rock n' Roll Hall of Fame. I'm a great singer, just ask Ryan. I play the guitar, the piano, and the drums all at one time. Really, I am great at it. No, not really (not even close is more like it), but I was inducted a member of Sigma Tau Delta, the national honors society for English majors. They gave me my honors cords at the same time. When I first went up to get my certificate, I left Jacie with Ryan. She cried until I got up there, making the whole room erupt in giggles. She was the only baby there. So...it was super loud! When I next went up to get my cords, I just carried her with me. They were really sweet about it. They called my name, and then as I walked up with Jacie, they said, "And Jacie". They even wrapped the cords around both of us. It was hard for me to not cry. But then again, I cry at everything.
That is a great entry Judy. I'm crying with you.
Congratulations on the graduation! Your daughter is so adorable!
Great Job...You should be proud of your self..and your little one is so cute.
That is awesome. What an accomplishment, and even more special with Jacie right beside you. I love when kids yell out "way to go mom (or dad)" when everyone else is quiet. There is nothing better. I'm sure that is what Jacie is yelling or something similar.
Boy are we impressed! So proud, too!! Love to see that this is all really happening for you. It's been a long time coming and you SO deserve it! Who are we kidding? You should be receiving a COUPLE of bachelor degrees in various subjects, right (a reflection of the tedious and bureaucratic process - not you!)?
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