Jacie did it! She had her very first birthday party. Yep, she will be 1 on March 19, and on March 15, we had a party for her. 43 (YIKES!!) of her closest friends joined us for pizza, salad, soda, cake, and ice cream. Oh, and we had a few games thrown in for the kids. And goody bags for the kids. It was a lot of fun, and a lot of work! Ryan and I didn't get to sit and visit nearly as much as we would have liked, but it was awesome to see so many of our friends in one place. Jacie could have cared less. I think she was a bit overwhelmed. However, she sure looked cute in her little "birthday girl" shirt, and jeans. The theme was Cinderella (could it be anything else??), and the girls loved it. The boys didn't seem to mind, either. In fact, there were more boys there than girls. I guess you just have to throw some food at them and they will be happy. We had two 5 foot tall Cinderella's hanging on the wall, and of course her wonderful castle. I sure hope BJ doesn't expect to one day LIVE in a castle. We will have to draw the line somwhere. For now, I think she is pretty satisfied with all of her birthday gifts, especially the tinkerbell cell phone she carries around the house. She must think she is someone important (we know she is, right?). Maybe she is, with as much as it rings! She gets more calls on that phone in a day than I do in a month! When the party was all over, the car loaded and the clubhouse cleaned, I loaded the Precious Princess into the car and she was asleep instantly. Poor kid, we wore her out!

Piñata!!! We had a tiara piñata that I was sure nobody was going to be able to break. It was pretty darn sturdy. Why in the world would you make a kid's piñata out of cardboard?

Birthday Princess really did not like swinging the stick to break it. She was not happy! She only took three swings before the screaming started. Oops! Maybe when she is older and wiser and figures out that there is stuff in there, she will like it.

Ryan was so brave to be the piñata holder. I thought for sure he would get whacked a time or two, but NOPE! It was a close call a few times with the boys hitting one of the girls, though. Come to think of it, this is a pretty violent little game...what was I thinking??

For some reason, kids love to run circles around other kids. This isn't the first time I have seen this happening. The two little blurs you see are Talmage and Violet. They kept running and running in circles around Jace and she just watched and watched. She seemed to enjoy it, so why stop it?

Jacie is taking a breather from the action with Greg, her Michigan Grandpa. I think Greg was just as overwhelmed at the party as Jacie was. Its been a long time since his kids were this little!

Ahhh.....the cake! I was going to make cakes, but saw this one at Sam's Club and thought it would be awesome! It says "Happy 1st Birthday Jacie and has her picture wearing a tiara on it. Every kid at the aprty wanted to eat the face of Jacie. What kinda crazy cannibal kids are we friends with?! Speaking of the Tiara, Jacie loves playing with it now. She wasn't so fond of it at first, but loves to put it on, then have Mama or Daddy put it on. She just laughs and laughs.

Pin the slipper on Cinderella was not such a big hit. Kids got bored, and we did too!

This cute little boy is the same age as Jacie, minus one week. His name is Ogden, brother to Talmage. Cute, eh?

The eating of the cake was Jacie's most favorite part of the day. She has never eaten so much or so fast in her short little life. I finally took it away from her after a good chunk of it was eaten and when I pulled her away, she kept reaching for more and started to whine. So cute!!

Not too messy, was she? She did a really good job!

Present time!! This part was a littl hard for her because she didn't understand why everyone was standing around her, but everyone wanted to help just a little bit with opening the presents.

It sure looks like Ryan is the most excited over the tea pot set (which is all cloth, and the cutest thing you hav ever seen).

Just a few of the hot Mama's at the party. By the time we got around to pictures like this, a lot of them already left. From left: Rebecca (Jacies sitter last semester), Erin (the party was at her neighborhood clubhouse), Me, Sydney (from Detroit area), Jaymie (one of her sitters this semester) and front row is Griselda holding Jeydan. We were pregnant together and it was awesome. The kids are three weeks apart!

Boring picture, but this is the door leading into the party. It has the castle, and Cinderella in die cuts that someone got for me. They were so cute!!
Sorry for the choppiness of the cake eating videos, but we had issues. Enjoy! They are mostly short, but fun to watch her shovel it in her mouth. There is one video where she shoves a huge piece into her mouth and eats it, and the others, she is just eating it as fast as she can.
Love the break-down of festivities! We had lots of fun. Thanks for letting us come! Love the chocolate cake bit, too. I'm thinking of bringing a similar cake to J's 1-yr pic session at JC Penney's. Still thinking, but it has such cute results!
Happy Birthday Jacie! Looks like everyone had a fun time!
We had a great time at the party, and it looks like Jacie did too!
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