Have you ever heard of The Children's Place? Well, it is one of my most favorite places to shop for Jacie, but it can be super expensive, so we only shop there when they have their big sales. The other day I was wandering through the mall looking for a replacement Christmas gift for Ryan. I wanted to buy him a new bag for work, and thought something a bit more professional would do the trick, so Jacie and I headed to the mall. We were walking by The Children's Place, and I though...'lets just drop in, see what they have'. Boy am I glad I did!! They were having their 50% off clearance prices!! Jacie got a snow suit for this year, a coat for next year, and tons of clothes for next winter as well. Her coat was only $10, the snowsuit $8.50! The rest of the stuff was super cheap, too. The only problem is the store in the mall is 1/4 of the size of the one 30 minutes south from us, so after BJ's nap, I loaded her into the car and we headed out again. I got some t-shirts for $2 each, and dresses super cheap. I now know why Nana can't pass up those good deals at work! Along with those fabulous buys, I got her a halloween costume! Well, I bought two, because they were onyl $1.50 each! Holy cow, I thought. Gotta get them. I think that the smaller of the two (the Skunk) will still fit her this year, and the Chick might fit her next yar. She is just a little tyke.

She really enjoyed the Chick outfit, but not the skunk nearly as much.

Is she not the cutest skunk ever??
I love good deals. We scored Kaitlyn a coat for next year the other day, and I was so excited.
So Darling! I like both of them, but maybe the chick a little better. It is so fun to shop for babies.
I'm banned from going into the Children's Place. I always come away with tons of stuff and I don't even have kids that can wear the clothes! The deals are too good and we have an outlet store not too far from me. The outfits you picked up were adorable. She will be one stylin' baby!
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