Jacie has enjoyed her very first thanksgiving! And what an enjoyment it was. Little does she know that thanksgiving is generally a day filled with lots of good food, visits from friends or family, browsing through the Black Friday ads, and then, if you are lucky, a nap. However, this thanksgiving, Jacie woke up at 3 AM, then 4 AM and decided it was time to play. Daddy Bear was kind enough to give Momma Bear a couple more hours of sleep before she needed to get up to prepare the scrumptious holiday food. This is all a good thought. It didn’t work out so well, though. At 5 AM, Momma Bear woke up to a screaming child, got out of bed to go see what was wrong and discovered Princess Peanut was crying because the power went out and she was in a dark basement! Finally, we got some more food in her belly and she settled in for a nice slumber, as did Ryan and I. Not much you can do when the power is out. I called the Power Company to report the outage and they said it was because of an auto accident in Flint. Little did we know we would be without power until 4 PM!! We were having 17 people over for dinner at 1 PM. What to do…Well, Ryan got up to take care of the sump pump issue so we didn’t flood the basement, and I began making calls to our out of town friends to let them know the issue. After a couple hours of not knowing what to do, I called our in-town friends to tell them. A couple of the families offered up their homes for dinner, and we took one of them up on it. In the meantime, I made pretzel salad, stuffing, put the turkey in to oven, and waited…and waited…and waited. Did you know you could cook most of your thanksgiving dinner with no power? The hard part was transferring all that food to another location 30 minutes away…in the snow no less!! Thankfully, I did a lot of the stuff the night before, like pies and devilled eggs and so forth. It all worked out, we had far more food that 17 people could eat, and enjoyed a nice warm home with our dinner just two hours later than planned. How’s that for a first thanksgiving day?! Thanks to our fantastic friends, The Youngs, the Skeehans, The Balls, and of course, The Olsens for a wonderfully full and exciting Thanksgiving day!

This is Jacies way of saying she won't eat any pie. What am I talking about...she loves food!!

Crazy thanksgiving story! No power. What stress that would cause me. Sounds like you handled it and all went off without a hitch.
Yikes! No power on Thanksgiving. Luckily, it sounds like it all worked out. Jacie is such a cutie!
Wow! The Ryan in her really comes out in that last picture! Crazy that you had no power on Thanksgiving! I think we would have given up and gone to the chow hall on base or something:) Glad everything turned out so well inspite of everthing.
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