Wednesday, November 28, 2007


I bought her this spinner toy awhile ago. You might remember it from an earlier post. Well, she finally figured it out! Object permanence is also in place. Ryan was hiding the remote the other day under his hand (which, or course, she just has to play with), and she was staring at his hand, and then began picking up his fingers one by one to find it. Back to the spinner toy. She played with it for the longest time tonight, watching the little balls pop up. It’s so fun to watch her discover new things. It’s just downright fascinating! She is also getting so much closer to crawling. She is in the stage where she pulls one leg out, like she is trying to get onto her knees. So close! I bet we have a crawler before Christmas. One last note…she giggles a lot more now than ever before. She will be playing with her toys and I will be reading and I will here this little giggle. She is laughing at herself playing! Too cute. She also giggles when she sees Ryan and I, spontaneously! Does she have a bit of her Daddy in her?? Hmmm….OK, one more thing…I swear she is saying Mama and Dada, in reference to Ryan or myself. Isn’t it a bit young for that? But I promise ya, she does it. When Ryan got home tonight, she said directly to him Da Da Da several times. But when she is fussing for me, she says Ma Ma Ma or just Ma Ma. Too early? Maybe, and maybe it really isn’t in reference to one of us but I sure love hearing it!

Bad Hair Day

Who can resist such a silly picture as this? After bathing tonight, I rubbed her head with the towel and when I pulled it off, her hair was standing straight up! Gotta love moments like this. Oh how she will not like me so much when she is older and dating…I can already see the wedding reception picture slideshow...


Princess Peanut has become a lot more independent lately. It’s actually kind of nice right now, because I can sit on the couch and do my reading, and she will entertain herself for a long time! She LOVES to take her toys out of the bin. I didn’t know this, but both Ryan and I have been doing that with her for quite some time. We load all the toys into the lime green container and set it in front of her and she completely unloads it. Sometimes she tips it over and dumps it. She is in heaven—so many toys to choose from! When all the toys are out and she looks like she is losing interest, we can load it back up and she will start all over again! Cinderella has taken a back burner with this new little task! Thank you Mark and Jaymie for the bin--who knew two years ago it would end up as a baby toy?!
She literally plays with every single toy in the container. Loves them all!
I love this shot because she looks like she is giving the "yes!" pull with her fist and arm pulling down.
Didn't I mention she mimicks me? Well, here she is now, reading her own book, just like Mommy!Doesn't that just look like loads of fun? Who wouldn't want to play with so many wonerfully colorful toys?

Tuesday, November 27, 2007

The copycat

It sure looks like Jacie is mimicking me these days…This is a picture of the great mess I blogged about before, but this time it shows her in the mess looking so proud. Maybe if I had her do my school work with me, we could get twice as much of it done!

Thanksgiving Part Two

We had some of our friends from medical school join us this year for the Big Feast and shopping the next day. Dave and Griselda came up from the south-eastern part of the state with their three boys. Bless their hearts, they were prepared to rough it with no power!! We had a wonderful time, and Griselda helped me save the gravy from going extinct. That is a story for another day, but one I will not ever forget! Of their three boys, their youngest is 3 ½ weeks younger than Jacie. They were so cute together and Jacie just wanted to eat him up. She tried to kiss him while we had them sitting next to each other for pictures, and she giggled at him several times. Babies are so fun, but even more fun when you see them interact with each other.
Griselda and I went shopping the next morning and managed to get all the deals we wanted! We let at 7:30 AM, and went to Kohl’s where we got in line right away. One of would shop while the other waited in line and vice versa. It worked out really well. We were in line until 10:00!! It was well worth it, though. I got Jacie’s Christmas gift for half off, a down comforter for $110 off, and some other good stuff. We had a blast!
She has a plan, you can see it in her face...

Here she is getting ready to plant a big one on him. Doesn't he look like he knows what is coming?

Gotcha, big boy!

She succeeded! This little look says Triumph!!

First Thanksgiving

Jacie has enjoyed her very first thanksgiving! And what an enjoyment it was. Little does she know that thanksgiving is generally a day filled with lots of good food, visits from friends or family, browsing through the Black Friday ads, and then, if you are lucky, a nap. However, this thanksgiving, Jacie woke up at 3 AM, then 4 AM and decided it was time to play. Daddy Bear was kind enough to give Momma Bear a couple more hours of sleep before she needed to get up to prepare the scrumptious holiday food. This is all a good thought. It didn’t work out so well, though. At 5 AM, Momma Bear woke up to a screaming child, got out of bed to go see what was wrong and discovered Princess Peanut was crying because the power went out and she was in a dark basement! Finally, we got some more food in her belly and she settled in for a nice slumber, as did Ryan and I. Not much you can do when the power is out. I called the Power Company to report the outage and they said it was because of an auto accident in Flint. Little did we know we would be without power until 4 PM!! We were having 17 people over for dinner at 1 PM. What to do…Well, Ryan got up to take care of the sump pump issue so we didn’t flood the basement, and I began making calls to our out of town friends to let them know the issue. After a couple hours of not knowing what to do, I called our in-town friends to tell them. A couple of the families offered up their homes for dinner, and we took one of them up on it. In the meantime, I made pretzel salad, stuffing, put the turkey in to oven, and waited…and waited…and waited. Did you know you could cook most of your thanksgiving dinner with no power? The hard part was transferring all that food to another location 30 minutes away…in the snow no less!! Thankfully, I did a lot of the stuff the night before, like pies and devilled eggs and so forth. It all worked out, we had far more food that 17 people could eat, and enjoyed a nice warm home with our dinner just two hours later than planned. How’s that for a first thanksgiving day?! Thanks to our fantastic friends, The Youngs, the Skeehans, The Balls, and of course, The Olsens for a wonderfully full and exciting Thanksgiving day!
This is Jacies way of saying she won't eat any pie. What am I talking about...she loves food!!

Sunday, November 18, 2007

Playing Catch

I always wonder what Ryan and BJ do when I am gone. Ryan has been telling me that he plays catch with Princess Peanut. I believed him, but seriously doubted they could ‘play catch’. However, I caught it on film! It is the cutest thing! We were enjoying a relaxing evening watching Steelers football on television and working on the computer (as usual). I walked over to where Ryan and The Precious were and they were in this cute little stance facing each other. Jacie was throwing the ball to Ryan. Apparently, they can do this for quite some time. If you will notice, there is an array of toys on the floor of the video. We try many methods of entertainment, but it seems the catch game is the best for long term entertainment. Who knew?

In other areas of her sweet little life, she is trying really hard to pull herself up on furniture. The other day she was sitting near me while I was on the computer (see a pattern here?), and she grabbed the table leg to pull herself up and bumped her head. She let go and looked at the table leg kind of dazed and did this “uuuuhhhhhh” sound, kind of like you would do if you were bonked in the head. Then she tried again. No success, but she has managed to pull herself up numerous times in her crib.

Big Beds and Big Girls

I make my bed most every morning, and when I do, I place Jacie at the head of the bed. I always cover her up as I go and she thinks its great. It reminds me of a story I read as a kid, but can’t remember the name of the book. Its this little bear that gets tucked into the bed and only his ears are showing. Sound familiar to anyone? Not that this is anything wonderful to share, but just thought I would share a rambling thought.

Last week she decided she would sleep through the night. Then her schedule got thrown off Friday and Saturday and she reverted back to her old ways of waking at 1 AM and 4 AM. I’ve tried the “crying it out” thing and it just doesn’t work on her, or me, or Ryan. I’m sorry, but letting a baby cry and scream for 45 minutes is not worth it to me. The longer and harder I try, the angrier she gets. I know these nights of waking won’t last forever, but those nights that she slept all the way through were such a tease!!

Future Writer

This little mess may look just like that—a mess. But I can tell you it was not intentional. Jacie was sitting by me at the computer, and she was quite for a really long time while I was doing some school work. I turned around and saw this wonderful array of my school papers strewn all the way around her. I stacked them on the floor to get them off my desk for some reason and she found a playland full of fun!

Monday, November 12, 2007

The Littlest Steelers Fan

Ryan went to a Monday Night Steelers game in Pittsburgh and had an awesome time! He came home with two sweatshirts, a third terrible towel (he already had two), Steelers Crocs (shoes), a poncho, a long sleeved t-shirt for me, and this little bib for Jacie Girl. Oh, and the local paper from the day after the awesome awesome game. They won, of course.

For those that don't know, the Terrible Towel is a yellow towel the size of a hand towel that the fans wave at the game, when they are mad, I think. Very famous thing. If you watch a Pittsburgh game on TV you can see all these yellow flags waving every now and then. Pretty cool. Now, Jacie has her very own!

7 months old!

Princess Firebutt is really 7 1/2 months, almost 8 months (next Monday!!) old, but we couldn't get in for those shots because she was sick and cranky. We actually went in one evening and she screamed the whole time, so they didn't even get one shot done. She cried the second time we went in, but at least we got a few pictures, although they are not the greatest. Not my favorites, that's for sure. I'm not sure if it's because of the color red, or because of the background or what, but I really didn't care for them.

She is now standing against furniture on her own, and will play there for quite some time. She's liked standing since very young, maybe 4 weeks old, so this doesn't surprise me. What does surprise me is how they manage to learn new skills, like crawling and so forth. She is almost there! She will be sitting on her bum and reach all the way forward for a toy until she is on her hands and knees. Once, she actually got one hand forward, then the next lifted up and then--plop! right onto the chest. She is also doing this graceful fall thing where she will fall backwards, but controlled like she is doing a pilates move with Mari Windsor. I'm thinking she wants to be on her back because if you set her up, she will do it again. Cute little tyke.
This may look like a smile, but it is really more like a cry getting ready to burst forth. Gotta take what you can get!
I have no idea why they insist on getting shots of her on her belly every single time. They are my least favorite shots every time!

Sunday, November 4, 2007

The Head

BJ (Baby Jacie) has some wild and wacky hair these days. It is getting longer and longer, thus crazier and crazier. She has that little bald spot that babies get on the back of their heads, but long hair on top. Very cute. Its fun to look back at her old pictures and see how little hair she used to have!

Why do they do this to me?

In other news...we got her to take some formula--two days in a row! You might recall that she refused formula when we tried to start her on it before this semester started. She would cry if we gave it to her. However, I had this most brilliant idea to try it again and see what she would do with it. I thought she might take it simply because she's had so many new flavors introduced into her diet through food. I thought that if she would eat something so gross as the turkey & green beans combo, or the mixed vegetables & beef combo, she just might take formula. She won't drink it in a straight up 'one scoop to 2 ounce mix'; I have to make it slightly watered down, but she will drink a whole 6 ounces in about an hour or so. She is a slow drinker, but we will work on getting her up to speed. This opens up a whole new world to me since I have been very concerned about nursing next semester with my super crazy schedule. Other things in my life have just gotten a bit crazier too, so it will be super nice to possibly wean her before the start of the new semester. Originally, I had hoped to nurse for the entire first year, but it is looking less and less like a real possibility.

Last note of the night--Jacie had another cousin born this weekend! Ethan was born Saturday November 3 in California to my brother's wife (congrats, guys!!). When I told Peanut she has a new cousin, she got all excited and flapped her arms and squealed in delight. Could she possibly have understood me, and maybe knew he was coming?? Did they know each other before?? Hmmm...something to ponder!