Ryan and I went to the store together tonight with Jacie Girl, kinda like a date (insert smile). We felt she was advancing well out of her toys--she was becoming bored with them, so we thought it might be nice to get her something a bit more challenging. Ryan picked out this roller thing-a-ma-jig. I got her something that looks like a top where you push the button and stuff moves around inside, but the outside stays stationary. Anyway, she loves both. She played with mine in the store in the grocery cart and played with Ryan's as soon as we got it home and blown up. We are hoping it will encourage her to crawl. She scoots a tiny bit on her bum, and plops on her face quite a bit when she reaches for stuff. Is that progress towards crawling, I wonder?
Pay no attention to stuff in the background. School stuff is everywhere in our house, and the white and purple is for the Winnie The Pooh fleece throw I am making her--someday when I have time...or neglect my school projects...or something else like dinner, or sleep, or laundry, or...

What do I do now?

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