I've totally loved doing her pictures each month. A friend of mine suggested it when she was born. We will stop doing it at 12 months. She changes so much from month to month, and this is a great way to see it. Its super cheap too, only $7 per photo sheet, and I can order only one picture each time, and then I still have access to all of them online. I save them to my computer, so they are always there. Coolness. I tell ya, if she didnt' look so much like her Daddy, we would know she was his daughter by her sense of humor. Holy moly, is she just like him! She loves potty humor, it seems, or anything he does. SO much for Mama, she is out--no longer the favorite. That OK, though. She still wants me when she is hurt or hungry, and those are two things she will have her entire life. She may be done with nursing in 7 months, but I can always fill her tummy with something yummy.

Do you just love those shoes?? They were a gift from Alexandra Ross, a girl in our ward. She attend BYU and was home for the summer. We love 'em!

See the little pro at the belly time?

Totally hammin' it up, like her old man. Do you see the giraffe in her pocket? It was super cold today at 59 degrees at noon. I think summer is over!

As curious as her Mom and Dad. She has to touch everything, taste i,t and then explore every inch of it. Love it!

"I'm really an angel, can't you tell? Shhh...don't tell my Daddy!"

Can you please explain to me why they put me in this basket?

Love the shoes! Well, she doesn't really. She will kick her feet until they come off, then her feet stop moving. Hmmmm....
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