Jacie had her 4 month old pictures taken today. She was actually pretty good, considering she is teething right now and quite cranky.

This little black dress is the one Ryan picked out for her before she was born. We have been waiting and waiting for her to fit into it. It's still a little big, but she sure looks cute.

She looks like she has red hair in this shot. It is really more of a blonde color. Maybe she will be a strawberry blonde.

This one is my favorite!! Its the very first shot, which always seems to be the best with her. After that it is hit and miss.

Do you see any sand? I can't seem to find any...
1 comment:
Oh Judy, she is sooooo cute. Is it wrong that I covet that dress? Ryan did a good job picking that one out. She looks so cute in all her shoes, heck, she just looks so darn cute. We gotta play. What's your schedule like next week??
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