Our little lady of the hour is getting cuter by the day...if that is at all possible! She coos all day long, smiles a LOT more, and even giggles in her sleep. Once upon a time, she preferred to be held all the time, but since transitioning to her crib, she really enjoys being left alone on the floor, flat on her back to she can kick and move her arms and look around. Everyday is a new adventure for her, and for us!

Here she is in her cute Sunday dress! Plus, per the request of someone else, photos with Mom and Dad are added. Get a good look at the hair, it is getting chopped off!!
I was so tired on Saturday morning, we had a rough night rfiday as Ryan was at a campout. WHen he got home, I pased her off, with a bottle to him and they both went right to sleep. Now why wouldn't she sleep for me?!
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