Happy Mothers Day!! We had a really great first Mothers Day. First, we went to church, then came home and had yummy breakfast burritos. Ryan makes these really great burritos with onions, bell peppers, provolone cheese, avocado and of course eggs. I enjoyed every single bite. However, Jacie does not like eggs, and let me know by projectile vomiting all over the car, her self and car seat. So...eggs are out...again. As a gift, Ryan bought me a punching bag and gloves. Strange, I know, but I really really wanted one for a long time. Now, I have it! Yippee! Its not that I am in to boxing, but I love the workout aspect of it. I can get rid of the bat wings I am developing.

Each morning, Jace and I go for a walk with my friend, Rebecca. I put her coat on her each time, and her little hood slips over her eyes. She looks like a gangster baby. I think she looks so cute with it, and had to take a picture of it.

Smiles abound these days. The toy on the left of the picture has a mirror on it. She loves it! She will sit there and smile at herself for a long time (well, maybe 5 minutes). The swing is such a wonderful tool these days. When she is super fussy, we can put her in the swing and she will calm down and be the pleasant little lady she usually is.

Look at me, I love faces!! I thought her first smile was great, but now, where she smiles all the time, and occasionally giggles, its even better! Who knew being a parent could be so great! I guess someone did, but I just figured it out with this little one.

Although this is not the best picture, its the best of the bunch I took. We had a limited time frame since she was hungry. Notice the shoe is off the foot. I had two choices: take the picture with the shoe missing, or take the picture with a screaming hungry child. I chose the shoeless picture. This is a totally adorable outfit. The picture just doesn't do it justice.