Tuesday, May 29, 2007

My Little Sailor girl

We just got back our pictures of Peanut today for her 2 month old shots! It was so hard to get her to smile. She cried most of the time, so we had very limited choices, but overall, I am pleased with what we have!
Ryan loves the hat, I love it not as much, but really liked the picture. She is kind of smirking, but she was really having a bad day, so we took what we could get.

Thursday, May 24, 2007

The Pink Flamingo

I thought for sure this outfit would never fit her, but look at her! I need one of those doll holder thingys...you know, where it fits around the dolls waist or armpits and holds them upright. I need one for Jacie so I can get a long shot of her super cute outfits. I would pad it of course so that it woudn't hurt... When I was gettng her dressed this morning, I asked her if she wanted to wear the Flamingo outfit. She smiled and tried to laugh, so I took that as a yes. Even if it was too big, I was going to let her wear it anyway. Now if we just had some shoes that fit...
This is a shot of the wording. It says "The flamingo is graceful because she can walk the tightrope." Under that it says Osh Kosh. I have been walking around saying that phrase in my head for months. Somehow the first time I read it, it got stuck in my brain.

Wednesday, May 23, 2007

Her Royal Cuteness

We are movin' on up to the next size of clothes!! Thankfully, because the next size is full of fun summer clothes that are--you guessed it-- full of pink!! This little number is from our neighbor Jill, and it is the first 3-6 month outfit she has worn. It's still a little big, but it will fit better once we wash it. I couldn't resist the lip picture, even though I had a few where she smiles. Gotta love the lip. When she gets super cranky, we call her Princess Fussybutt. Her Daddy also calls her "her Royal Cuteness" besides "The Precious" and whatever else he comes up with. Those that know Ryan know he loves names and nick names!
The best part of this outfit is the shoes, pictured below. Her feet seem to be shrinking while the rest of her grows, so she only can wear two of the 13 pairs that she has right now. Smile, and Momma will bring out the food!
Adorable shoes to compliment her adorable feet. Although she has 13 pair or so, a lot of them were gifts...I have only bought about 5 or 6 pair. Hey, a girl has to accessorize!

Sunday, May 20, 2007

Little Pink Dress

We live in a world of pink--and we love it! Pink is everywhere, and almost every outfit has pink in it to some degree. This little outfit came from Grandma Jo. It's a little Osh Kosh jumper. I tried and tried to get her to smile for the camera, but she just wouldn't. I know why now, its because she was starting to get sick (just a cold) and wasn't very happy. We took her on for her picture the other day and spent an hour and a half trying to get smiles on her face--she wouldn't budge. Oh well, maybe when she feels better in the next day or two she will smile again. Ryan lives for her smiles and chatter. Gotta love it!

Tummy Time

Ryan and I try to give Jacie plenty of tummy time during the day. She hates it, as you can see from this picture. This little contraption you see came from Nana, and is a wonderful tool in helping her do tummy time, and at other times, lay on her back and play with the toys above her.Ryan and I will lay on the floor and talk to her to get her to look up, thus hold her head up. She is getting better all the time and is in the beginning stages of using her arms to prop herself up. This picture is great because it looks like she is trying to climb over the pillow. Once she does get mobile, we will be in T-R-O-U-B-L-E!!

Thursday, May 17, 2007

Little Tyke

Jacie had her 2 month check up last week. She seems to be a bit on the short side. While her height is near the 25th percentile, her weight is in the 50th. Ryan seems to think she will grow, but I wonder...her legs are so little! My good friend Griselda had a baby almost a month after me, and her son is 23 inches and 12 pounds. Jacie is 22 inches and 11 pounds. So we have just a little tyke, and that is just fine by us, because she is just too cute!Tiny little feet. She is still wearing the newborn shoes. Her body is actually growing into her feet! Her feet were so big when she was born, I thought for sure she would be tall, but now...

Hey, who you callin' little?

The Art of the Cry

You may not believe it, but Jacie can wail like no other. She popped out of her very warm environment into a cold world and let us know she did not appreciate the trip out or the world she was in! We captured the cry on film, and here it is: She looks innocent, doesn't she?
Starting the pout...Don't those eyes melt your heart?
The true Leonard lip is OUT!
More of "Are you really going to make me do this?"
Here it is, the much anticipated scream!


Ryan's O.R. family threw a party to welcome Jacie into the world. And was she ever spoiled! Mom and Dad enjoyed a delicious dinner at Olive Garden (Baby J enjoyed it 2nd hand) and then there were lots of fun presents!! She got her first Barbie, diapers, lots of clothes,an adorable piggy bank, and so much more. Ryan and I thought we were just going out to dinner, we had no idea there would be gifts involved!! Ryan works with a really great group of people. He is very lucky, and I enjoyed meeting them again and getting to know them better. I can see why he speaks so highly of all of them. She had on a very cute outfit for the evening, but spit up all over it and had to be changed into her jammies. Darn! She was a good girl, even with being passed around the table like a trophy of some sort.
The cake was yummy, chocolate!!The purple flower has a pair of pink booties on top. Very cute!

Tuesday, May 15, 2007

First Golf Trip

Ryan won an award for ENT, and because of that, Baby J had her first golf outing! Well, it was really only at a driving range, but still, she got out to golf yesterday. As you can see, she is less than thrilled with being there. With his award, Ryan bought new clubs. He has used the same clubs for the past 8 years and they are bottom of the barrel. Now, he can golf like a pro because he has clubs that actually are as good as the pros! He couldn't' be happier with his new clubs. I'm proud of him, and if Jacie could talk, she would be proud of him, too.

Monday, May 14, 2007

Happy Mothers Day and other stuff

Happy Mothers Day!! We had a really great first Mothers Day. First, we went to church, then came home and had yummy breakfast burritos. Ryan makes these really great burritos with onions, bell peppers, provolone cheese, avocado and of course eggs. I enjoyed every single bite. However, Jacie does not like eggs, and let me know by projectile vomiting all over the car, her self and car seat. So...eggs are out...again. As a gift, Ryan bought me a punching bag and gloves. Strange, I know, but I really really wanted one for a long time. Now, I have it! Yippee! Its not that I am in to boxing, but I love the workout aspect of it. I can get rid of the bat wings I am developing.Each morning, Jace and I go for a walk with my friend, Rebecca. I put her coat on her each time, and her little hood slips over her eyes. She looks like a gangster baby. I think she looks so cute with it, and had to take a picture of it. Smiles abound these days. The toy on the left of the picture has a mirror on it. She loves it! She will sit there and smile at herself for a long time (well, maybe 5 minutes). The swing is such a wonderful tool these days. When she is super fussy, we can put her in the swing and she will calm down and be the pleasant little lady she usually is.

Look at me, I love faces!! I thought her first smile was great, but now, where she smiles all the time, and occasionally giggles, its even better! Who knew being a parent could be so great! I guess someone did, but I just figured it out with this little one.
Although this is not the best picture, its the best of the bunch I took. We had a limited time frame since she was hungry. Notice the shoe is off the foot. I had two choices: take the picture with the shoe missing, or take the picture with a screaming hungry child. I chose the shoeless picture. This is a totally adorable outfit. The picture just doesn't do it justice.

Tuesday, May 8, 2007

It just keeps getting better

Our little lady of the hour is getting cuter by the day...if that is at all possible! She coos all day long, smiles a LOT more, and even giggles in her sleep. Once upon a time, she preferred to be held all the time, but since transitioning to her crib, she really enjoys being left alone on the floor, flat on her back to she can kick and move her arms and look around. Everyday is a new adventure for her, and for us!

Here she is in her cute Sunday dress! Plus, per the request of someone else, photos with Mom and Dad are added. Get a good look at the hair, it is getting chopped off!!

I was so tired on Saturday morning, we had a rough night rfiday as Ryan was at a campout. WHen he got home, I pased her off, with a bottle to him and they both went right to sleep. Now why wouldn't she sleep for me?!

Saturday, May 5, 2007

The Shower

Finally, a shower!! Plus, her little body is getting chubbier by the day. Look at those arms! We have this nighttime body wash for babies that has lavendar and chamomile in it (I think). Sounds fancy, but it is really just the Wal-Mart 'Parents Choice' brand. Anyway, I used it the other night for the first time and I couldn't stop smelling her, she smelled so good. The next morning, she still smelled good. It is supposed to help calm a baby before bed time, but I don't think it works any better than the other stuff we use.
She is most content in the shower, and will lay her head on your chest or shoulder. If she is hungry, she will suck the water off of your arm or where ever her little mouth can cause a great suction.

I loved these steamy shots.

Thursday, May 3, 2007

Bath Time

She really loves to shower, but I have not figured out how I can shower with her without Ryan being home, so we settled for a bath this time. She actually enjoyed it! However, when it was time to get OUT of the bath, she screamed bloody murder, as she always does. She hates the cold air on her skin, even when we wrap her in a towel she is still mad. But once she is all clean and dressed, she is pleasant again. Look at her little curled toes. Ryan says she could palm a basketball with them. She got those from me.
Chubber cheeks!
"Hey, Man, whats goin' on here?"
Clean and dressed, but not all the way happy yet.

Tuesday, May 1, 2007

Growing and Growing and...

It seems that Jacie Girl never stops growing. I swear she grows when I am not looking. We already have to move the straps in her car seat up a notch, and she was born just 6 short weeks ago. It's strange to think how different our lives are with her... and yet I can't even remember not ever having her! She is our sweet little angel. I wonder, is she working on being a football player? With as much as she eats, it sure seems that way!! Here is a rundown of her growing progress:
Here she is in the beginning, still in womb,

but getting ready to join us.
This is one of the first shots of us as a family. Such a wonderful moment.

Here she is, post bath on her birth day.

Look at that chubby face. She retained the chubby cheeks, but lost

the swelling for the most part.

She slept a lot the first month...

Another reason I think she is a football fan. See the touchdown stance (arms up by ears--Touch Down!). It must be because of all the football she listened to in utero.

Here she is, one month old!

This is just a goofy shot of her. She crosses her eyes a lot, and we laugh.