Hi there! Looking for Leonard Family updates? Please check out the NEW blog address. If you have us on your blog page, be sure to change our address there. If yo have us saved under favorites, change it to the new one, since I won't be posting updates on this one anymore. Have a fabulous day!
Saturday, August 23, 2008
Thursday, August 21, 2008
Kids are so funny. They change so fast, that you can hardly keep track of it. And then they go and do something that they haven't done in ages and you rethink things a bit. Its been forever since she has made huge messes with her food. She is getting really good at using a spoon and a fork, so I thought nothing of giving her a yogurt and spoon and letting her have at it on her own. I finished up the dishes to turn around and see this:
I've come to a realization lately. Actually, it was a friend of mine that helped me see the light. I feel like since I've been out of school that I have had no time to get anything done. Housework falls way behind, I always feel like I am running running running, but nothing ever seems to get done. Why would that be? I was far busier while taking a huge load of classes and still managing to take care of the home front. So what happened to the time? Why is it not working now? My friend said that maybe it was a blessing while I was in school. That hit hard. I thought about it, and yep, she is right. There was no way I should have been able to read 20 books and plays, write a zillion long papers, study spanish, take care of my family, and manage to still hold a calling at church with just 24 hours in the day...all crammed into a four month span. Just no way. I was blessed for some reason to be able to accomplish everything that needed to get done. And now that its over, life has gone back to normal, and I am not used to it. Don't get me wrong, I am so grateful for that blessing. Thankfully, I was able to get it all done and done right. One thing is for sure. I never would have been able to do it without the help of my gracious Heavenly Father. Thankfully, he loves me enough to grant me what I needed most: a blessing at a serious time of overwhelming demand and need.
Jacie has found a new toy these days. Its an empty toilet paper roll. Now why in the world do I need to buy her toys when she is perfectly happy playing with something like this? That being said, she likes to take her little cloth tea cups and mash her fists into them and walk around like they are boxing gloves. So I guess the toys are OK...
I've come to a realization lately. Actually, it was a friend of mine that helped me see the light. I feel like since I've been out of school that I have had no time to get anything done. Housework falls way behind, I always feel like I am running running running, but nothing ever seems to get done. Why would that be? I was far busier while taking a huge load of classes and still managing to take care of the home front. So what happened to the time? Why is it not working now? My friend said that maybe it was a blessing while I was in school. That hit hard. I thought about it, and yep, she is right. There was no way I should have been able to read 20 books and plays, write a zillion long papers, study spanish, take care of my family, and manage to still hold a calling at church with just 24 hours in the day...all crammed into a four month span. Just no way. I was blessed for some reason to be able to accomplish everything that needed to get done. And now that its over, life has gone back to normal, and I am not used to it. Don't get me wrong, I am so grateful for that blessing. Thankfully, I was able to get it all done and done right. One thing is for sure. I never would have been able to do it without the help of my gracious Heavenly Father. Thankfully, he loves me enough to grant me what I needed most: a blessing at a serious time of overwhelming demand and need.
More Shoes
Jacie hit a growth spurt recently. She grew out ofher size three shoes and into a four. That means she had to put away all of her threes and get some fours! When Ryan and I were in Arkansas, we saw these little boots at The Children's Place. How could I pass those up? Jacie loves them. I bought them in a 5 so that she can wear them longer. My little girl is growing up!
To the Lighthouse
Finally, Allison got to see her Lighthouse. When she first got here, I asked her what she wanted to do while here, and she said she wanted to see a lighthouse. I promised, and on her very last day here, she got to see one. Sadly, the lighthouse wasn’t open for tours, but we did get to play at the beach. We made a big day of it. Several of my friends and their kids joined us for a picnic and beach day. After all that sun, sand and water, we still managed to go shopping! It was a really fun day, and a great way to end the two month stay for Allison. Thanks for coming to visit, Alli! We sure love you!

Funny thing about this hat is that she will wear it! She won't wear her other hats, but this one she will. I wonder if it is because there aren't any chin straps on it. Whatever the reason, I'm glad she will wear a hat.
Jaymie, Violet and Oliver lounging at the beach. It was a tad bit cold that day, but Ok for the kids.
Ryan and Zack Ball. Their Mom Rebecca said she would pay me if I didn't post any pictures of her on my blog. Zack is Jacie's first little buddy. His Mom used to watch Jacie while I was in class.
Alli and her lighthouse!
Jacie wasn't a big fan of the water, but she sure loves the sand.
Couple more of my friends and their kids. There were 11 kids and 4 adults that day. Awesome fun.
Brinley Is such a cutie pie.
Ivy is one of Jacie's favorite people. She is such a huge help with her.
Of course this is Violet, who is featured quite frequently on my blog. Good little friend of Jacies.
Funny thing about this hat is that she will wear it! She won't wear her other hats, but this one she will. I wonder if it is because there aren't any chin straps on it. Whatever the reason, I'm glad she will wear a hat.
Wednesday, August 20, 2008
More interviews
We have had some seriously busy weeks lately! We have been to three states in as many weeks, traveled to Lake Huron so Allison could see a lighthouse, back and forth to Detroit, and then everything else that is necessary, like laundry, food, mowing the lawn…But the biggest news is about our last two interviews after Washington.
While Allison was at Girls Camp, Ryan, Jacie and I went to Elko, NV. Like Washington, it is on Pacific time, so we knew it would be another crazy time zone adjustment. It was more than that…it was non-stop going from the time we got off the plane to the time we flew out! We got in at 5PM, and had to be to dinner by 6:30. How do you get spiffed up and ironed out in that amount of time? Needless to say, we were late. Jacie was horribly tired, and very clingy. However, we were able to see some friends of ours that lived there. The Whimples used to live out here in Michigan a few years ago, but moved to Elko when he finished residency. They look exactly the same! We had a nice dinner, and then followed them back to their amazingly beautiful house. Their kids were all grown up, but still as sweet as ever. That turned into a late night for us, but well worth it. Ironically, we watched their kids for them while they went to Elko to interview for the job! Hmmm...The next day was non-stop, as well. While Ryan was interviewing, the recruiter lady named Nicole showed Jacie and I around the town and hospital. After that, the Doctor took us to lunch near the mountains and then drove us through some of the most beautiful mountain range I have ever seen. I was so tired, I actually slept for part of it. I was wiped out by that point. That evening we had a very nice dinner, and then we went back to the hotel for me to get ready to fly out on my own with Jacie the next morning. I was more than a little worried about flying by myself with her. I don’t know what I was worried about—it was a piece of cake! She did really really well. The hardest part of the entire day was hauling a suitcase, stroller with a baby, and a car seat out to the shuttle to go find our car. What a mess! We survived, though, and it was nice to get home and see Allison again. Jacie really missed her and ate up all the attention she was getting from Alli. Oh, and sorry, no pictures of Elko. There was never a moment to just relax and take a shot or two!
After that trip, and after Alli flew home, Ryan and I caught yet another flight to Fort Smith, Arkansas. This time we flew out of Flint and it was soooooo much easier!! Two short flights and we were there. Once we got there, I had to really use the facilities. Jacie and I wandered into the bathroom and I felt like I was in a 5 star hotel! Wing backed couches and chairs, flowers, full length mirrors, lotions, you name it! It was by far the nicest bathroom I have ever used—anywhere! The Fort Smith trip was super short and super fast. Both of us wished her would have had one more day to explore the area. What little we did get to see, we really liked. We were busy from the word go, but it was all very good. The doctors and recruiter were all really nice, and very accommodating. We had to find the mall first thing because Ryan forgot to take a tie. I loved the mall. It was awesome! There are a lot of great shopping options, and of course, dining options. The only day we really had any free time was the morning we were leaving. We flew out at 11AM, and we were early risers that day. We headed out to check things out and stopped at the court house. Get this…they still have The Gallows from the 1800’s when you used to hang people! We thought it would be interesting to check out.
I believe the giant building in the back is the visitors center, but I could be wrong.
Do I look tired? That would be because I AM!! Worn out, completely. Jacie sure looks fresh and happy, though.
Here it is--complete with a noose!
They only hang a noose up on the anniversary of a hanging. It just to happened that the day we stopped was the anniversary of the very first hanging. I got goosebumps all over by body and shivered with chills. Creepy!

This is the awesomely nice bathroom. Funny thing is that when they asked how we liked their airport, I told them about the bathroom and they laughed and laughed. I guess they got some national award for the nicest airport bathroom. I can see why! This picture really doesn't do it justice.
While Allison was at Girls Camp, Ryan, Jacie and I went to Elko, NV. Like Washington, it is on Pacific time, so we knew it would be another crazy time zone adjustment. It was more than that…it was non-stop going from the time we got off the plane to the time we flew out! We got in at 5PM, and had to be to dinner by 6:30. How do you get spiffed up and ironed out in that amount of time? Needless to say, we were late. Jacie was horribly tired, and very clingy. However, we were able to see some friends of ours that lived there. The Whimples used to live out here in Michigan a few years ago, but moved to Elko when he finished residency. They look exactly the same! We had a nice dinner, and then followed them back to their amazingly beautiful house. Their kids were all grown up, but still as sweet as ever. That turned into a late night for us, but well worth it. Ironically, we watched their kids for them while they went to Elko to interview for the job! Hmmm...The next day was non-stop, as well. While Ryan was interviewing, the recruiter lady named Nicole showed Jacie and I around the town and hospital. After that, the Doctor took us to lunch near the mountains and then drove us through some of the most beautiful mountain range I have ever seen. I was so tired, I actually slept for part of it. I was wiped out by that point. That evening we had a very nice dinner, and then we went back to the hotel for me to get ready to fly out on my own with Jacie the next morning. I was more than a little worried about flying by myself with her. I don’t know what I was worried about—it was a piece of cake! She did really really well. The hardest part of the entire day was hauling a suitcase, stroller with a baby, and a car seat out to the shuttle to go find our car. What a mess! We survived, though, and it was nice to get home and see Allison again. Jacie really missed her and ate up all the attention she was getting from Alli. Oh, and sorry, no pictures of Elko. There was never a moment to just relax and take a shot or two!
After that trip, and after Alli flew home, Ryan and I caught yet another flight to Fort Smith, Arkansas. This time we flew out of Flint and it was soooooo much easier!! Two short flights and we were there. Once we got there, I had to really use the facilities. Jacie and I wandered into the bathroom and I felt like I was in a 5 star hotel! Wing backed couches and chairs, flowers, full length mirrors, lotions, you name it! It was by far the nicest bathroom I have ever used—anywhere! The Fort Smith trip was super short and super fast. Both of us wished her would have had one more day to explore the area. What little we did get to see, we really liked. We were busy from the word go, but it was all very good. The doctors and recruiter were all really nice, and very accommodating. We had to find the mall first thing because Ryan forgot to take a tie. I loved the mall. It was awesome! There are a lot of great shopping options, and of course, dining options. The only day we really had any free time was the morning we were leaving. We flew out at 11AM, and we were early risers that day. We headed out to check things out and stopped at the court house. Get this…they still have The Gallows from the 1800’s when you used to hang people! We thought it would be interesting to check out.
Just another fun video of Jacie. She is playing with Ryan.
Tub fun
Jacie truly cracks herslef up in the tub. She really thinks she is something funny. She must get that from Ryan. He thinks he is pretty funny, too. Most of the time, they are both right.
Wii Player
Random Stuffs
Ever the girl, she loves to have little purse type things on her arms these days. This is her little picnic basket that has cloth food in it. She cares it aroud like Dorothy in the Wizard of Oz.
Jacie has been exploding with new developments lately. Her sense of humor is definitely budding. She loves to jabber, then will laugh at what she says. She also does things that she thinks will make us laugh. Words are just flying out of her moth these days. Its a good thing we don’t swear, because if we did, she would be sure to say those, too. Some of her newest sayings are “cheese” and “no no no no no”, just the way I say it. She also says “bye, see you.” Sadly, if there is something she really wants to do, she has no problem telling me bye. We were at the airport not too long ago and I was trying to go one way, and she wanted to go another. I was trying to trick her into following me by saying “bye, see you later” and she called my bluff. She said her own good-bye and took off the other direction. She is just exploding with personality these days. Very fun stage.
I can't tell if she was really hungry, or just trying to be funny. She put the mail between her teeth, and then make little squeeking noises to get our attention. This was one of those laugh so hard you aren't making any noise but there are tears rolling down your face moments.
Ah...the gold fish. I know when she thinks she needs a snack. She will get out a bowl, her gold fish, and try to dump them in the bowl. When that doesn't work, she will come get me to dump them for her. Getting a bit independent!
This picture cracked me up. All she needs in the hand down the pants and a can of something in her other hand. Lounger. Totally chillin'.
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