Friday, December 14, 2007
Christmas Pictures Take One
The Crawl
Come in Star Command, do you read me?
Destructo Baby
Friday, December 7, 2007
Giggling Girl
This video just shows Jacie giggling, so if that kind of stuff bores you, skip right over it! This is especially for my niece Challis who LOVES that the sound works on her computer, now! Love you, Challis!!
Have I posted this giggling girl lately? We have this habit I’ve mentioned before. Its of me making the bed and placing her up by my pillow and making the bed around her. Its become a play time for us and as soon as I put her up there, she gets so excited. This particular time, I was fluffing the blanket up into the air to straighten it out and she fell into a fit of giggles. After a couple of times, she started to fluff the blanket herself. I love this stage of babies. She totally wants to play and knows when it is play time! On the other hand, she has really developed that “stranger danger” thing and will not go to anyone that is not Mom or Dad or the Ross boys.
New Developments
Busy Ball Popper
Not So Happy Princess
Its Christmas Time
Anyone up for a good story? I wanted to get matching stockings this year, it being our first Christmas together and all. I went to this super cool craft store and couldn't find anything I liked, so I decided to find stockings that fit our personalities instead. I let Jacie pick out her own by holding up a few different ones and whatever one she picked would be it. Can you believe she didn't want the pink one?! Anyway, I found the fishing wader stocking and thought of Ryan. Next up, me. I found a big stocking and it said "I've been very very very nice". I thought that was a great one for me. Working hard, trying my best yada yada yada. When Ryan got home that night, I decided to show him the stockings. I held mine up to him and said "Nice, huh?" He had this very odd look on his face. I tried to explain that is was the biggest stocking we have, and I picked it out for me as a joke...whatever. Come to find out, the side Ryan saw (that I didn't see while I was in the store) said "I've been very very very naughty". Needless to say, I have my 'Judy' stocking hanging up instead.